Superset Series 5/6 — Adding plugins
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If you have a specific visualization or data source that’s not already available in Superset, creating a new plugin can be a great way to add it to your instance. Make sure you have superset installed properly. This guide will teach you how to setup the structure of a most basic plugin. Once you created a new plugin you have the foundation to start building your own data visualization in superset.
Requirements :
- MacOS or Linux (Windows is not officially supported, but may work)
- Node.js 16
- npm 7 or 8
- Python version 3.6 or higher
In this Guide we are using Superset version 2.1.0
You can use the same version by checking out in the corresponding branch
git checkout 2.1.0
Result Repository
This Superset documentation series will guide you through each step of customizing Superset. If you’d like to use the results directly, you can clone our Git repository, which includes all changes made during the course of this guide:
git clone
- To begin, you must first acquire the Superset Yeoman Generator. It’s advised to utilize the template version that is included with the Superset version you’re using. You can install it by executing these commands from
root directory
npm i -g yo
cd superset-frontend/packages/generator-superset
npm link
Initially, we install Yeoman and then obtain the Superset plugin generator template from the Superset repository.
2. Following this, you can proceed to create your visualization plugin. Construct a new directory for your visualization plugin, starting with the prefix superset-plugin-chart-YOURPLUGINNAME
, and execute the Yeoman generator:
mkdir /tmp/superset-plugin-chart-hello-world
cd /tmp/superset-plugin-chart-hello-world
yo @superset-ui/superset
3. Next, the generator will pose several questions (the default answers should suffice):
4. To compile the visualization plugin, execute these commands:
npm ci
npm run build
This phase fetches the necessary dependencies, constructs the package, and executes the predefined unit tests located in the test/ subdirectory. Alternatively, to operate the visualization plugin in development mode (recompiling when code modifications occur), initiate the development server with this command:
npm run dev
5. To incorporate the package into Superset, navigate to the superset-frontend
subdirectory within your Superset source folder and execute this command:
npm i -S /tmp/superset-plugin-chart-hello-world
6. Subsequently, modify the superset-frontend/src/visualizations/presets/MainPreset.js
file and apply these changes:
import { SupersetPluginChartHelloWorld } from 'superset-plugin-chart-hello-world';
7. Then, import the visualization plugin and insert the following line into the array passed to the plugins property:
new SupersetPluginChartHelloWorld().configure({ key: 'hello_world' }),
8. From Root run:
cd superset-frontend
npm i
npm run build
cd ..
superset db upgrade
superset init
superset run -p 8088 --with-threads --reload --debugger
When you now list all Charts , “Hello World” will be available:
The visualization will return the query as a json :
And that is it! Creating a plugin from scratch can be very useful if you are interested in building completely new plugins which do not exist yet. In the last guide of this superset series we will use the hello world plugin to visualize maps using Openlayers.
Superset Setup Part 1 :
Superset Controlpanel Part 2 :
Cloning Superset Plugins Part 3:
Modifying Superset Plugins Part 4 :
Visualizing Maps using Openlayers in Superset Part 6 :
Author : Daniel Jin Wodke
Editors: Ruben Karlsson, Matthias Daiber, Cherif Khlass, Lukas Zöllner, John Einicke